Stump The Stigma
After writing my final year dissertation for my undergraduate degree exploring the role that graphic design and advertising plays in the representation of women in the sporting world, I used my knowledge and understanding to create a thought-provoking campaign based on the challenges that female cricketers experience when playing the sport in cricket whites.
With 78% of girls avoiding sport whilst on their period, it is vitally important that the sporting industry notices these taboo issues and barriers that females face in sport and begin to make changes to remove the said barriers to hopefully see increased participation numbers on all levels. The Stump the Stigma campaign proposal is to use a large-scale sporting event to raise awareness for the taboo subject and raise awareness in the hope that one day females won't have to wear white coloured kit in any sport across the whole globe.
Deliverables: Full brand identity, billboard posters, desktop and mobile website, on-screen graphics, boundary cards, match day merchandise, printed and mobile tickets.

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